The work of Home Health & Hospice depends on our people: our dedicated staff and many generous friends in our community and far beyond whose donations help us care for our neighbors.
Gifts of all sizes help us do so much more to care for our community.
The generosity of our community allows us to provide millions of dollars in unreimbursed care to our neighbors each year, increasing access to high quality home health and hospice care. We sincerely thank everyone who supports our work.
Please click on the links below to meet our generous friends. We do our best to ensure the accuracy of these lists. If we have missed anyone, please let us know at (802) 860-4499, ext. 3812. Thank you.
Directors Circle – $1,000+
Patrons – $500 to $999
Sponsors – $250 to $499
Sustainers – $100 to $249
Friends – $50 to $99
Corporate Sponsors
In Memoriam
Julia Smith Wheeler Founders’ Society
Julia Smith Wheeler was one of the founders of today’s UVM Health Network – Home Health & Hospice. In 1906, she recognized the need for home health services in our community. The Founders’ Society honors forward-thinking benefactors who name the Home Health & Hospice to receive a legacy gift.
By remembering the Home Health & Hospice in their wills or trusts, these community members ensure that vital health services remain available for everyone in Chittenden and Grand Isle counties for years to come.
To learn more about the charitable gift annuity program or other legacy giving opportunities, please contact Maya Fehrs, director of Development, at (802) 860-4475 or visit our Gift Planning Page.
View our generous Founders:
Peter D. Alden
David and Meredith Babbott
Frank L. Babbott
Elsa Barmore
Claire F. Barry
Paula F. Bass
Francis J. Benard
Urban and Pauline Bergeron
Debbie M. Bergh
Janet Biehl
Harold M. Blakely
Aleck I. Bloomenthal
Ruth P. Bogorad
Carrie D. Bourgeois
Francois Bourgeois
John L. Bove
Joan C. Bowker
William J. Boyd
George J. Brady
Theodore E. Braun
Mary E. Breen
Richard J. Brisson
James E. Brooker
Mabel H. Buttolph
John and Connie Carpenter
Paul W. and Margery D. Carter
Anne Marie Case
Pauline Chambers
Dorothy D. Clarke
Janice H. Clements
Eleanor Cleveland
Kathleen L. Colman
Anne S. Conlin
Elizabeth B. Cooper
Dorothy Ford Craighead
Charles Merwin Crofut
Rita Marie Curtis
Elizabeth J. Davis
June G. Davis
Estelle Deane
Robert Leppan and Margaret Dodds
Elizabeth N. Downer
Robert F. Dunshee
Simone B. Duquette
Faith G. Emerson
Arlene Erit
Suzanne C. Evanchuk
Robert E. Fenix
Michelle D. Finer
Louise H. Freeman
Gladys M. Gare
Raymond B. Gelinas
Sheryl Glubok
Reginald F. Godin
Joyce Goggin
Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Golodetz
Eunice P.Grover
Beth A. Hart
Anne N. Haynsworth
Helena C. Ure
Mary C. Henderson
Donald C. Henderson
Walter A. Higgins
Jacquelyn L. Hill
J. Churchill and Marilyn Hindes
Cynthia M. Hines and Richard D. Mooney, Jr.
Austin and Meredith Holzer
Marion Seavey Hull
Shirley A. Irish
Kathleen J. Keenan
Patricia P. Keith
Grace W. Kelly
Joann J. Kirby
Louise H. Kolvoord
Philip A. Kolvoord
Catherine Lamar
Ann Lavigne
Ida Lendway
Malcolm LeVanway
Charles S. Lewis
Frances E. Lewis
Jean M. Lowe
R. Birdie MacLennan
James W. Madison
Joan Madison, MD
Peg Maffitt
Judith Manchester
Clement O. Marrier
Allan McIlvaine
John P. Medlar
Edytha E. Miles
Mary Anne Miller
Stephen L. Miller
Vera G. Millham
Gordon and Christena Mills
Doris L.
Gordon C.Morse
Robert and Stephanie Morse
Shirley L. Murray
Richard Howard O’Connor
Barbara J. Ovitt
Helena C. Parizo
David P. Parker III
Faith J. Parker
Roland A. Patenaude
Ronald J. Perron and Merrie F. Perron
Faye Pidgeon
James B.Pignona
Angelo Pizzagalli and Lynn W. Miles
Virginia R. Powers
Helen May Preston
Janet Prince
Robert D. Proctor
Chester Prokulewicz
Donald and Anne Provost
Thelma F. Provost
Mary C. Pyle
Florence Remington
Alex Ribak
Gretchen W/ Rigol
Patrick S. Robins and Lisa Schamberg
Andrea Rogers
Gilman B. Rood
Pauline mRowe
Robert J. Roy
Agnes L. Rushford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Russell
Douglas Rutter
Kay H. and Richard Ryder, MD
Ethan A.H. Sims
Jean and John Sleeper
Willard F. Smith
Gardner N. Soule
Elizabeth E. Stempel
Anna Stepanian
James A. Stover
Everett H. Tasker
Mary F. Taylor
Pauline Tessier
Helen G. Tewksbury
Sharon Thompson
Webster S. Thompson
Marion Brown Thorpe
Richard and Barbara Wadhams
Richard E. Washburn
Bebe C. Wicker
Rosemary Wilbert
Amy W. Wise
Elizabeth G. Woods
John D. Young
Family Funds
Our endowment helps us meet the increased demand for charitable care, provides for advances in program services, and ensures we will be here to serve our community far into the future. We sincerely thank the following families and individuals who, with their extraordinary contributions, established Family Funds to invest in the health of our community:
View our generous families and individuals:
Bergeron Family Fund
Robert W. and Roxane P. Berta Family Fund
Claussen/Conant Family Endowment Fund
Minna Aust Coates Fund
June Davis Family Fund
Dillon Family Fund
Dousevicz Family Fund
DuBrul Family Fund
Foster Family Fund
Golodetz Family Fund
Gottesman Family Fund
Hauke Family Fund
Louisa Howard Endowment Fund
Lanou-Hindes Family Fund
Martin Family Fund for VNA Staff Development
McClure Family Fund
Holly and Robert Miller Community Fund
Faith Parker Family Fund
Antonio and Rita Pomerleau Family Fund
Dee and Ernie Pomerleau Family Fund
Robins/Schamberg Family Fund
Benjamin F. and Margo M. Schweyer Family Fund
Soule Family Fund
Terrien Family Fund
Thompson Family Fund
Wadhams Family Fund